Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Hi, Alex! Been a while huh? How are you?
Good day, my dear. Yea, it's been a while. I'm managing here, how about you?
Hi there, sender. May I ask what's your intention on sending this? Do we at least, know each other?
Who is your favourite musician?
It's obviously, Sir Andrew.
Alexandre Lenoir. Are you written by a woman?
I guess (?) I'm taking this as a compliment, dear.
MAAF LAGI ISENG. Jangab ada yang direply yah, Ayecs? Sekian. Dadah!
Udah aku reply ... Kurang literasi ...
Ayecs kewren. Rawr.
Oona keren juga! Rawr.
Hewwo, Ayecs. Ayecs cakep deh.
Hi, Oona Bear. Kamu cantik.
Pathetic ... LOL
Says you.
Do you set your eyes on someone, Mr. Lenoir?
I currently am not, dear.
Welcome back, Mr. Lenoir.
Well, thank you. It's good to be back.
i know you lurk everywhere so just stop hurting her and break up w her if you dont really love her
And you are, who again?
I don't know where's my fault, but why didn't you reply to my questions?
Anda nanya apa? Coba DM, biar di bales.
Bukannya putus sama Madeleine?
Penasaran aja lu.
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