Invisible Psychics (anon) · 2mo

which artwork of yours do you feel most proud of (doesn’t need to me mp100)?

Ahh that's a hard question for me, since I tend to be very strict with my own drawings...
I'll attach the pieces on twitter, but I think I would say: one I made of Dio and Jonathan underwater back in 2021, my 27 page comic based on one of my favorite JonaDio fics ("How it could be, how it should be"), one of Reigen and Mob eating ramen (since I don't tend to color all that often and I liked how that one came out), and maybe my One and Only One zine piece, the three-page comic.

Two honorable mentions are a one page comic I did of age swap Reigen meeting Shigeo/???% for the first time (I liked how the paneling came out on that one), and a traditional sketch I drew of Mob hugging a crying Reigen from behind (because I liked how the overall poses came out on that one). But yeah :'D

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