Invisible Psychics (anon) · 1mo

How do you feel about serirei? Is there anything you could like about the ship?

To be perfectly honest, I'm completely indifferent towards it. Just going from the canon storyline, I can't see any chemistry between them whatsoever, other than "they're both adults" lmao. But it's not really that I dislike the idea of the ship, it just doesn't interests me.

HOWEVER, because of how the Western fandom behaves about them, I can admit I became a little resentful towards Serirei. Nowadays I always see artists' media tabs before following them to see if they post about the ship to try and check if they're an anti or not; 8 times out of 10, if they draw Serirei, they tend to be an anti.

However (x2), I sometimes like art of them made by the Eastern side of fandom, since it tends to be a little more neutral/canon-aligned than what I've seen the Western side of fandom portray them as. I suppose what I dislike about the latter is how most of the time antis actively change Serizawa and Reigen's personalities to make them fit their own narrative, so to me it's not even them, if that makes sense

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