Ambraven · 7 answers · 6y

What is your favorite Role playing game ( I mean not computer one ) ?

umm I don't really do any role playing game, except maybe "The Werewolves of Millers Hollow" but I'm not sure it's RP

J'ai peu fait de JDR dans ma vie en vrai. Pour l'horreur, CaC c'est toujours des emotions (et enquetes) fortes. Sinon j'adore l'univers d'INS-MV et des capacités des joueurs a détruires mes scénarios mais de facon toujours très droles (par contre les règles de la 4eme edition c'est le dawa ultime :c)

I love shadowrun <3 I had the chance to play a Warhammer40K game where we play simple human and no space marine, very frail, it was quite fun. But I did not play a lot of other RPG.
Generally speaking, I like games offering several different ways to solve problem. I can play the muscle, but if there is a diplomatic issue I'll tend to choose this one — if the team agrees of course ! :P

Probably Shadowrun.

I love dice-pools systems much more than D20 or assimilated, and the setting feels just right to me.
The fact that character options are so open are often an issue when trying to onboard new players, but they also give players much more freedom compared to classes-based RPGs.

Okay, tough question because I haven't played a lot actually. But I'd say Monsterhearts because that was probably the most hilarious one-shot I ever played. I'm not a huge fan of character sheets and throwing a bucket of dice at each actions so the gameplay was perfect for me, plus playing angsty teenagers is great.

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