Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Petals. · 1mo

min Chan ak abis baca yang dengsong blind date huhuhuhu suka bgtttt sooo warmhearting baca dengsong sayang sayangan 🥺🥺 btw,, do you consider to make the hantet one,, their story getting back together..? I'd love to read too as well ❤️ selalu sukaaa tulisan min Chan ❤️

Hii! I'm so glad you liked my dengsongg :3 Terima kasih yaa for the sweetest words. I have considered about having the Taes version of the story! Karena emang draft awalnya malah draft hantetnya sebelum draft dengsong.. I was thinking of making it a short au once I have the time. But now I'm contemplating just the narration now that you mention it. Kita lihat nantii aja yaa, jadinya apaa! Thank you once again, dearest. 🤍

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