AnonyAnony's Anonymous Anon Β· 1y

Hii I'm nervous to ask but do you have any omegaverse headcanons? For Malleus/Silver or the others!!!!

Omg this will be long thank you for asking, I think about a/b/o a LOT <333

First off, I really like omegaverse for the power dynamics! I like it when it's not only a strict societal rule that omegas are submissive and alphas are dominant, but biological as well. I like to think that if an omega isn't constantly being submissive in their pack, then they'd go into a very heat-like headspace where they can't do anything but submit. Same for alphas, if they aren't constantly dominant, they'll go into a rut-like headspace.

With that in mind, I'm not a big fan of betas being the "normal people" of the au. They don't get to escape the biological and societal pressure <3 In fact, they get it worse in a way. In their packs, they have to stay at a balance where they're both submissive and dominant. Too submissive, they go into a rut-headspace. Too dominant and they go into a heat-headspace. You get the idea ^^ When they go off-balance, it's probably not as bad as for omegas and alphas, though.

For NRC, I imagine that each dorm is supposed to act like a large pack with smaller ones within it. The dorm leaders are traditionally supposed to be the head of the entire pack, not belonging to any specific smaller one. To symbolize independence and leadership over the whole dorm, they sleep alone, while the smaller packs each share a room together. Most people know that they really belong to this or that pack, though <3

I'll give a run-down of how things are in each dorm :)

Heartslabyul: Riddle is an omega, it's just his fate πŸ₯° he struggles to match his biological need to be submissive, so it's not uncommon to find him stuck in his room with an alpha or beta late at night because he got in a headspace again... Usually Trey or Cater (who could be alpha or beta IDK). Ace is an alpha, Deuce is a beta. Ace teases Riddle for trying to be some dominant omega a lot... I think Deuce used to have issues going into a heat-headspace with how hard he tried to be dominant. Since going to NRC and changing his ways, though, he hasn't had many problems :) he's a very submissive and sweet boy for his seniors and dorm leader <3 Trey, Ace, and Deuce share a room as a pack while Cater goes around to different ones. New one for each night... Sometimes he's not even spending the night at Heartslabyul ^^ He tries to deny how often he spends the night with Trey and Adeuce, though

Savanaclaw: Leona is an alpha yeah yeah yeah. Ruggie is an omega, and I think Jack would be a cute beta that most people mistake for an alpha. Ruggie is very blatantly spending all his time in Leona's room, and eeeeeverybody knows they have something going on. Jack..... Hard to say where he is. Maybe he spends his time in other dorms with the other first years 😌

Octavinelle: The mers don't have the same a/b/o biology, so taking the potions and suddenly having these weird urges is quite the adjustment for them! I think these three are doing okay, though. Azul is an omega by my bias <3 everyone thinks he would struggle the same way Riddle struggles with being too dominant, but he has a way of talking and moving that is pretty subtly submissive. He'll bow in look up at you with big pleading eyes like "won't you please take my deal??" Yeah he's doing just fine :) Floyd and Jade are alphas by my bias... I think Jade acts very submissive so he purposefully goes into a rut-headspace, honestly. He thinks this weird human biology is just so much fun to play around with! Jade and Floyd sleep together, and really enjoy dragging a third little omega into the room with them <3

Scarabia: Kalim is an omega yeah yeah yeah Jamil is an alpha yeah yeah yeah they sleep in the same room for safety reasons ECT ECT. As far as dynamics go, they bounce off each other very well with few issues. Kalim is the one in charge and Jamil is the servant, sure, but Jamil knows what he's doing and Kalim reeeaally can't help how he submits to him so easily πŸ₯°

Pomefiore: Difficult to say for Vil... I'll go beta :) I imagine the movies he acts for peg him as an alpha pretty often, which frustrates him a lot. Good thing Rook is an alpha... Omg and Epel is the cutest little omega too <33 he hates his biology for sure for sure jshdhdgd These three are such a sweet pack, aren't they?? They're not kidding anyone, Vil is super blatant about which pomefiore pack he belongs to 😌 Epel didn't want to be there at all, of course, forced to room with Rook by Vil. I think he warmed up to Rook pretty quick, though.... Thinks about them.......

Ignihyde: Idia is so pent up omg. Could you just imagine if he was an omega with me.... He's so desperate for a dominant alpha, he makes Ortho fill in the role 😭 Nobody on campus knows that he's an omega, they just wonder why Ortho so easily takes charge of every situation he's in! He even gives out orders, and woah, did he just call someone a silly little rabbit?? Idia, get your brother's code under control...

Diasomnia: omg omg omg. Malleus is the only alpha in his pack, but he ends up so busy, and he still hasn't taken any of Lilia's hints that Silver and Sebek should really move into the castle already to be closer to their pack's alpha... Those three get so fucking needy and submissive and docile the second he's entered the room omg 😭 (me being as indulgent as I possibly want WHATEVER) Lilia and Sebek are omegas in my mind while Silver is a beta, yea... Silver has to take charge a LOT, he is working double time around here πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ doesn't help that his classmate best friend is voted-most-submissive-omega Kalim... He's so starved and desperate for someone to put him on his knees yea..... Things are a little better in NRC since they're in closer proximities, but it sure would be nice if Malleus wasn't always wandering who knows where to look at rusted architecture 😭 He's the WORST please... It's not even on purpose, he's just that dense πŸ˜”

Thank you for the ask I had such a fun time writing all the out πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

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