AnonyAnony's Anonymous Anon · 1y

Ur tags of maleficia doting on silver…..the draconia line simply can’t leave auroras lineage alone….probably the only reason he’s allowed to “guard” malleus….

YES 💕 I'll be honest, I don't think Lilia or the Draconia's have any clue as to what Silver's heritage is, but... Fate brings people together, right?

All the Draconia's feel strange around Silver. Nothing strong like hatred or love, but just... Interest. A magnetic pull. And obviously, they don't see Silver as a threat. He's too young and weak, it's laughable. They just think he's cute :) Malleus and Maleficia both grew to really adore him and find his effort to be useful... Endearing. Maleficia is so jealous of Lilia!!! If she didn't respect him as her general, she'd happily steal Silver away to be raised as a lap dog instead of a useless knight 🥰

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