AnonyAnony's Anonymous Anon · 1y

I mean isn’t silver basically a lapdog who knows how to bite people? I feel like lilia wouldn’t say no to his queen if maleficia wanted to influence silvers upbringing/life

I need you to see my vision in that when I say Maleficia wants to make him a lapdog, I mean Maleficia wants to hold him in the castle at once and strip away all his fighting lessons so he can attend to her, personally, instead. She wants to wake up and see him on her bed, bound and gagged like a tied hog. She wants to teach him to let go of all his unnecessary thoughts, let his queen take over instead. Let her show him the meaning of pleasure and obedience and what his only use is as her human

But, unfortunately, Lilia wants to play papa and raise a strong knight (as strong as he can be, anyway), soooo... 😔 poor lady. She truly is a tortured soul

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