AnonyAnony's Anonymous Anon · 1y

the domestication of general vanrouge….
silver loves that asshole so much lilia would scream at him and he’d just cry and say i love you papa. Anyway I think that would break general vanrouge a bit. That unrelenting love against his rage and frustration

Yes <3 seeing how Silver responds to Malleus and Sebek when they're angry or out of line, he's extremely forgiving. Lilia can beat him, yell at him, call him the nastiest things, and Silver will still look at him with the most adoring eyes once their conflict has ended. He loves that asshole 😭 thinking about Lilia struggling to enjoy taking care of Malleus or like him because of how he lashes out and uses his powers against him, then finding Silver so endearing and sweet in comparison.... <3 Malleus' jealousy stemming from this, as well............... <333

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