AnonyAnony's Anonymous Anon · 12mo

Thinkin hard abt the silver engaged to malleus since birth stuff in combination w canons new bombshell of “dragon eggs can only be born/hatched through love.” Silver and malleus engagement as a vehicle for a political statement w the expectation that silver would be an ignored concubine cold palace style, only for him to become the courts single chance at getting an heir out of malleus. How the turn tables

Yes oh my goodness oh my god. Lilia grooming Silver from birth to be Malleus' concubine, while never even telling him that's what he'll become. Silver thinks he's going to be his knight in shining armor, just like Sebek. He is WRONG!! When his father gives him sex ed, it's about how one leaves their eggs within another and they both give the eggs magic until they're big and the shells have hardened enough to leave the egg-bearer 🥰 (I've thought a lot about this. I think about it constantly. Just by the way) Silver doesn't give it a second thought, as far as he's concerned, that's just how it works (and that's all he'll ever need to know, anyway!) And when he's told who he's betrothed to, omg... What a shock. How delicious would it be if he tried to get out of the marriage? It would make Malleus so angry, so much more possessive... He will marry him, in the end, of course. He never had a choice. His father will remind him, before they're officially wedded, that this is what he was always here for. This is his purpose... 🤤

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