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? · 40m

takut kecoa gak kak

Dulu iya, sekarang ga lagi. Saya pernah tangkap kecoa pakai buku, saya pukul. BAM.

? · 1h

Ah, so I was lecturing you in your dream? Sounds like something I would do. But I’m glad I was able to give you a reason to keep living. Even in dreams, I wouldn’t want you to feel like your life isn’t worth living. You have so much to offer the world. Terima kasih juga karena udah mau cerita soal mimpi kamu ya. 🩶

? · 40m

Aze! Aku juga pernah mimpi kamu bikin playground buat cewek-ceweknya Zayne. Aneh sih tapi seru tapi banyakan anehnya

? · 2d

kakkkakakakkkkakkkkk lucu terus apa ga bosen, lebih lucu lagi kalo mukanya ga ketutupan hp ( maaf modus ) :D

? · 2d

azee kamu blesteran apa kalo boleh tau?

? · 2d

I love you too kak Azee, don't be sad anymore 🥺

? · 2d

I want to hug you, telling you it is okay. You have gone through a lot, I hope you are doing well.

? · 2d

kak aze boleh nangis tapi jangan lama-lama, mau matanya bengkak ga bisa liat kalo jalan terus nanti kejwdot kepalanya benjol???!!?? apa pula belum makan, cpt makan!

· 2d

Hi kak, I'm not good with words but I have a song recommendation for you, idk if you know this song or not but I hope this can cheer you up.
1. This one is a 'must' play for me when I'm sad.
2. For this I just think that the melody is comforting.

? · 2d

Kakak, kakak. Hope you get better soon, KAKAKKKKK! ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 nangis aja sampe puasss, tapi jangan kelamaan nanti matanya hilang 😥😥 nanti dadanya sakit kalo banyakan nangis juga. DUH AK MAU CUP CUP TAPI JAUHHH BGT KITA GMN DONG INI.

Hahah udah keburu hilang waktu itu, tapi udah lagi kok matanya, ga hilang permanent.

? · 23h

kakak, how was your condition?

? · 1h

kamu 2 hari lalu masuk ke mimpi ku aze, bangun bangun mood ku baik banget

Ini kenapa saya sering mampir ke mimpi orang.. but happy to know mood kamu jadi baik.

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