Nasa. · 5mo

Hello, Svetlana. May I request a followback? Also, mind to tell me about what’s your favorite book? What’s the reason you choose it?

Greeting, Nasa. A follow has been sent to you, quite tough question you had there. I can’t just cherry pick any, so I’d go with my most recent favorite book to read, Animal. In essence, it transcends the conventional narrative of female rage, elevating it to a literary finesse where every nuance, every emotion, and every explosive revelation contributes to the main character (Joan) personal journey. This book explores the different layers of sexual violence that (as a reader) I felt encouraged to think about my own experiences, not just the ‘obvious assaults’ but also the smaller hurts that society tends to ignore. The story unfolds like a mosaic, showing the many ways women navigate a culture filled with sexual violence. Which somehow give me a so much sense of validation and comfort as a woman. It urged to see how people show strength and resistance in the face of harmful situations. The book turns smaller hurts into powerful moments for self-reflection and societal criticism. It goes beyond being just a story, becoming a powerful testimony that asks readers to think about our own experiences with a culture that can perpetuate trauma and harm. I think this is a book that sent me back to reality that no matter how much time we read, there’s always something more to learn, something more to discover. Do you mind to share yours, perhaps? I’d be delighted to know.

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