Whisperers · 1mo

How did you come up with the idea for your character?

( Auster started as a normal eevee, level 5. When it came time for him to evolve I was torn between Umbreon, Flareon or some sort of ghost design. So I took 2 of my favorite pokemon {Haunter and Flareon} and considered how they would look if you combined them layered on an umbreon. Though to get to the point where and how Auster would evolve was far more nuance than it just happening. Many events had taken place before hand as detailed on his profile. If you ask Auster directly he will give you a multitude of answers because his own memories of that time are a little unreliable. His creation also can be directly tied to his name and the two words it's based off, "Austere" and "Ostentatious".)

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