Anon · 6mo

listen ok here me out, trolls, i swear trolls is good

other suggestions that i personally dont really know about: owl house, adventure time, monster high, Gravity falls, uhhh pokemon?

I've actually seen trolls world tour, I watched it just for Barb LOL but I wasn't really interested in it outside of that, sorry

I should try owl house again tbh I started to watch it and then just....forgot lol. It helps that it's completed. I used to watch adventure time but I fell so far behind and I have no idea where I was 😭. MH (G3) I need to catch up on, I was watching them on paramount plus but they stopped updating it in the UK after a while 🥲. Seen gravity falls! Was a favourite of mine as a teen. And I used to watch Pokémon as a kid but i.. would have no idea where to start now 😭

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