Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Your artwork is so whimsical and inspiring. The colors you use are so meaningful and potent, it gives your art a melancholy nostalgic feeling. What would you say inspires your pallette and your more experimental pieces?
Omg thank you so much!!<3 other than getting inspired by other artists and music,i sometimes get inspired by little things i see or think,like a pretty picture or the idea of a scared animal for example and then i just connect it to what im feeling and i draw it,and I experiment a lot to get the art to feel like i want,this also applies to color pallette though i often enjoy using more muted colors with a strong pop of color(mostly red) in a symbolic manner,it doesnt have a specific inspiration, its just what I associate with strong feelings or being wounded!
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