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Anonymous prey · 6d

I like the idea of permavore but i don't want to risk losing a character or my contacts. What's your opinions on this type idk what it's called but it's similar to permavore except only the profile change happens and nothing gets lost because I'm too attached to things

You mean something similar to indef, I've done it but only with people I'm close with usually, I do prefer to take everything in most cases if I perma someone though, but I have done perma indef

Anonymous prey · 3mo

What do you think about Permavore?

Anonymous prey · 1y

What's the strangest profile play you've ever done?

Strangest hmmmm I've eaten a lot of profiles steams, epics, ect. But the strangest is hard but I'd have to say an irl account of theirs that's been deleted now

Anonymous prey · 1y

What's the biggest amount you've ever drained someone of in one session?

Anonymous prey · 1y

Would you player vore me? Take all of my accounts, my sona, maybe my boyfriend's sona? <3

Anonymous prey · 1y

Have your ever done Steam profile play?

Anonymous prey · 1y

What's the most amount of different accounts you've taken from a sub (different meaning different platforms, not multiple Twitter accounts or similar)

Anonymous prey · 1y

If I was to offer myself as a delicious snack . How much of me would remain?

Nothing~ sonas would be new forms and I'd let that soul hang on my body forever~

Anonymous prey · 1y

Do you want to temp vore a cashcow while you're draining a bit them~ ?

Anonymous prey · 1y

How long do you think it would take for you to digest?

Anonymous prey · 1y

What're your opinions on cocky dragons that end up pleading, squirming stomach bulges?

I mean they digest all the same so why not let all that pleading go silent with a wet crunch before trapping their soul on your waistline too~

Anonymous prey · 1y

Please eat me <3

Anonymous prey · 1y

Hey why you so awesome sir? :3

Anonymous prey · 1y

yo hope u havin a good day

Anonymous prey · 1y

Not a question, but a confession..
I want you to churn my boyfriend and fuck me while he melts.. then perma us both after~

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