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Anonymous Coward · 2y

What animal do you believe should be armed ?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Whats a Fictional character that you would give your life to protect?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What is the best thing about the Internet?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What do you do on the weekend?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

One thing you feel nationalistic pride for

I'm not trying to play up the "I'm an anarchist" thing but I genuinely can't think of a thing I have pride in the U.S. for. Maybe the post office there I guess?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?

Have you ever had a dream that you had, your you could you’ll do you wants you could do so you you’ll do you could you want you want them to do you so much you could do anything?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Thought on sheep??

Absolutely amazing, love fluffy sheep
Definitely like kissing fluffy sheep furries like Lauren :3

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Word you hate the most that isnt a slur/insult

I don't really like words that have a colloquial meaning that means the opposite of the original meaning? Just because they're hard to parse. Literally used to mean something concrete

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Do you have a Rate Your Music?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Fictional character you would murder given the chance

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Which McElroy would be the worst president

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What is the worst thing ever?

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Conspiracy theory you believe?

CW: Suicide

I know we all joke about it and shit but I'm not too sure Jeff Bezos actually offed himself, kinda would have been a big problem for a lot of wealthy and powerful people if it came out they're into pedophilia

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Favorite cartoon character?

This is really hard but if we're keeping it to American carttons probably Princess Bubblegum

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