Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Evan · 6mo

I need to know about the cats having 6 is a dream 🐾⛓️🗡️

🐾 - RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER. so my cat family tree consists of bug, weezer, al, chip, finn and moo (in order of youngest to oldest!) finn lives with my parents and the other 5 live with me :~) al is my son, he picked me as his person and i love him so dearly... big fluffy tuxedo guy!
⛓️ - i've been binging youtube all day and Trying to motivate myself to chip away at my to-do list lol.. so far my laundry is on track at least! i've been procrastinating by editing a couple rentries here and there
🗡️ - i LOOOVE doing voice impressions and sometimes i startle my friends with how accurate they can be LMAO

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