Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Evan · 6mo

🧨🧨 Go off king..

🧨 - the boys Oh god the boys i am still so autistic over the boys.gfuck. jesus christ. oh my good lord. Fuck. you ever just think about a series for a little bit too long and you start to feel nauseous? yea.
lately i've been thinking about joe kessler and his dynamic with butcher. his existence makes me CRAZY and knowing that amazon is gonna milk this series for as long as humanly possible, i am hoping to god they release a few shorts with butcher and kessler back when they were in the military.. MAN.
also season 4 sucked ass until the last 2 episodes and maybe one or two episodes in there were good too.. hope the writers strikes that happened during that time succeeded and they actually get paid properly because that shit SUUUUCKED
🧨 - since you sent two i'm gonna take it as a second one :3 i just recently got back into hlvrai and DAMN i forgot how good of a series it was. i also forget how many little tidbits of autism knowledge i have lolol.. wish the fanbase wasn't like that because watching it with my girlfriend, shi was SO surprised at how different benrey is compared to his fan interpretation and shi is really enjoying the series :~) i can also feel the half life bug biting me i Know i'm gonna get turbo autistic about the series as a whole because of this. such is life..

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