Friendly Anon · 1y

hi! so um, my WIP is the final chapter from my existing chaptered fic. so, 1) does that mean i should add the whole fic into the collection and if so, just the main BTS WIP Fest or under the RUN or YTC labels? and 2) since i probably can't do the hidden setting, since it's a chapter (but if it's possible, do advise!), do I wait to post on Reveal day instead of pre-posting?

sorry for the confusion, i didn't realise entering a chapter of an existing fic was gonna be this complex (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Hi anon! If your WIP is already being published on AO3, post to both the main collection and the Run subcollection (bts_wip_fest_run). Your work will remain visible after submitting to these collections. Don't post it until Serials Submission week: Sat, Jan 28 - Sat, Feb 4. Then, fill out the Submission Form!

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