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Elysian. · 4 answers · 2mo

Time sure tickling without our notice, it's already mid-May. How's your May so far? or do you have particular moment that happen in this month?

I had a nice surprise earlier this month, I wish I could replay that particular day. Besides that, things are going okay. Not so good, but not so bad. I hope this month will end with a good note!

Elysian. · 2mo

Elo, hai!! It's bit late but finally i'm able to greet you here. If you need to choose, do you prefer Supernova or Armageddon?

Hi, Ely! Noticed how similar our name is, Ely and Elo. That's very cute!!! For now, I think I'll go with Supernova. The "I'm like some kind of Supernova" wins it all. It might change once another concept photos are out though 🚶🏻‍♀️

Lillian Joy · 2mo

hAllo loraaaaaa! kamu hari ini mau ngapain aja? :D

Joyiku, haiiii! Hari ini aku mau nonton film sama lanjutin bacaan aku aja soalnya libur hihihi.

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