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Anonymous Uwusers · 11mo

haii! im a choir guy so i really do have to ask, what's kei's vocal range?
also did you have any ideas on what the kanji for the characters' names are (apart from the canonical yuu and aki meanings. which i checked because i have no life. they exist)

Kei would be a tenor, going from around A2/B2 to B4/C5 without falsetto.

As for the kanji:
道宮 優一 (優/Yuu gentleness, kindness, tenderness, superiority, excellence; 一/Ichi one)
小林 純 (純/Jun genuine, purity, innocence)
漆原 敬介 (敬/Kei respect, honor, we; 介 mediate, concern oneself with)
浦田 将一 (将/Sho leader, commander; 一/Ichi one)
溝口 小夜 (小/Sa little, small; 夜/Ya night, evening)
小泉 春樹 (春/Haru spring; 樹/ki tree, wood)

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