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Vivienne Cerise. · 5 answers · 3mo

Umh, what are your thoughts / impression and opinion about @BeCherried? :3

You're loveable girl with hot vibes, I think all of someone who use Jullie's as their faceclaim is loveable based on her sweetest smile <3

You're really fun to talk to, to joke around with, and you're also cute. I hope I could see you around more often because I feel like I haven't seen you in a while!

ceyieseeee kak nyinya so happy to have you as one of the pwetty girl that she admires > < ceyise is someone who easily connects with new people, and from our very first conversation, kak nyinya felt instantly comfortable. she also love how ceyise leave a little trace on kak nyinya’s updates; it feels so lovely when a pretty lady does that🩷🥺 your playful, yapper and charming side is simply adorable. thankies for being fwends with kakak and for always brightening up kak nyinya’s timeline with your delightful chatter cayaang * smoochies * : 3

SUKA ASBUN BANGET but a really fun person to talk with i lob u so muchie. Cewekku cewekku cewekku cewekku. Who thought that I'd be close with someone I ever get ******* with? [rahasia negara]

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