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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

did u like afo before his face reveal? if yes did he look the way u imagined him or was if a surprise

mmm nope i pretty much stopped caring about hero aca around 2018 and i only cared about all might and aizawa around then lol

im pretty sure we got hints at his real face well before the reveal, and in the end he's just a white haired anime boy, so like. No real surprise? lmao

I got back into the series cause I thought star was hot, and it was only on a rewatch with the intent to catch up that i vibed a lot with AfO. by then i pretty much knew his deal, so

i guess to answer your question, not really but when i got back into the series it didnt matter cause i basically knew all about it?

y'all aint subtle with the way you run rabid with spoilers (yes i am bitter)

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