Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

REMINDER: Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Fluttershy. · 11mo

srestha, kalo ngga keberatan, boleh tau ngga.. tipe ideal kamu yang kaya gimana? (penasaran).

(gelar karpet) Sini, nder, duduk dulu. (Bercanda) Hmm.. gimana, ya.. Maybe, someone who’s not too “stiff”, so, we could also throw a small jokes to each other, would shower me with lots of love and also could act casual sometimes like brother/sister or old bestfriend. 😬 Karena buat saya, pacaran itu nggak melulu harus lovey-dovey, tapi harus seimbang. Bisa jadi teman cerita, bisa jadi partner tukar pikiran, etc. Then, since I’m not a very serious person, I prefer having a not-too-serious relationship with my partner. Tapi, bukan berarti saya main-main buat sebuah ‘relationship’. Not-too-serious relationship di sini, lebih ke.. punya hubungan yang ringan, nggak ngebuat dia atau saya ngerasa ‘terbebani’ harus begini dan begitu. Kita let it flow aja, bangun hubungan yang sehat. (I fancy healthy relationship a lot, by the way) I’m also a sucker for two-way relationship, so it’d great if my partner also up for this. Pokoknya, komunikasi dua arah itu penting. Saya nggak mau merasa ‘diabaikan’ atau ‘tidak didengarkan’, begitupun sebaliknya. Saya nggak akan membiarkan partner saya nanti merasakan hal tersebut. Hmm what else ya.. tbh ain’t someone who’s too demanding things, so I’d really appreciate it if ‘you’ just be yourself, sih.

SENDER, MAAF PANJANG. Ini sebenernya lebih ke.. apa, ya, harapan saya kalau nanti punya partner. HEHE. (Sungkem)

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