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Anonymous Coward · 7mo

how many pumpkin pies to satiate the dog?

Zero, I don't like pumpkin pie

Now pumpkin cookies with white chocolate I'm a slut for

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Alright, I know the hotdogs question wasn't a hit, but combining it with the answer from another question; how many bags of ruffles sour cream and cheddar chips would you eat if you could eat them without feeling full, even if you were still getting full??

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

favorite fatfur character trope? (nerd, ex-jock, etc etc)

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Do you have a favorite oc of yours?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

if your sona wasn't a dog, what would it be?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

how many hotdogs do you think you'd eat if you could eat as much as you wanted without FEELING full but still being full?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

what's a snack or meal that you think you could eat forever??

Ruffles sour cream and cheddar chips are extremely dangerous for me because I will not stop if I have any

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Can you draw a cute chubby rat? :3

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Drawing suggestion: whale sized dog tryin to get clothes on

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

hope things're goin' well for you! if you were to get fanart of any of your ocs, which ones would delight you the most?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

when it comes to kink stuff you're like one of the old greats. to me at least. hope you know you've inspired a few other artists to pick up their tools of the trade to draw tits and tummy

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

c-can you draw navel fisting? please?

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