homo sapien · 3mo

Hello! I'm truly a fan of your bots ever since I found it days ago and I love the way you write it!!! Since there are free slots, can I make a request for ABO WLW feminine alpha woman where she is user childhood friend but now have become a renowned actress. Only that recently she decided to settle down in marriage with user in close ceremony after they have been in relationship in secret since highschool/college. And right now user who is an omega is pregnant with her child and they spend time with each other maybe like finding suitable name for their kids like that or cuddle. I'm craving fluff😭😭😭
(or you can make it turn into smut or smtg lol)

(Sorry if my req make you feel uncomfortbale. Just ignore if it is. 😔)

Tyyy ❤️❤️ this request is soo cute it didn't make me uncomfy at all, added to queue ^^

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