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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

B!Atsushi eating Aku out through his panties 😵‍💫

There’s something about the tiger that has Akutagawa feeling on edge even when he’s clothed, something purely animalistic that doesn’t listen to reason scratching under the surface of that human conscious. It especially becomes something he’s aware of when he’s pressed against the pillows, half undressed, with little fabric to protect him against a man eater. He can’t do much but whimper and squirm when he feels Atsushi’s warm breath against the fabric of his panties, and he can’t hold back the sqeaks when that rough tongue peaks out to tease him through the panties.

Atsushi is mean even when he doesn’t mean to be, or even know that he’s doing it. He’s so keyed up at the sight of Akutagawa that hard for him to be slow and careful with him….but when he does get the chance to do it, it never disappoints. One leg over his shoulder, the other one trapped under his body as he has a taste of his lover’s slick through the soaked panties. He enjoys this, the feeling of Akutagawa trying desperately to grind his hips back against Atsushi’s face while Atsushi holds him down to tease his pretty hole through his panties. The detective is so /whiny/, pleading Atsushi to get it over with just to have his petulant demands cut short with a sloppy kiss against his clothes cunt. It only makes him hornier

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