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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Atsushi loves when Aku cums on his face

Atsushi is addicted to aku being on his face, period. He doesn’t care if Akutagawa is being a needy brat or a sadist, he loves feeling the warm, firm weight of Akutagawa on top of him, soft, plush thighs wrapped around his neck while he buries himself deep between Akutagawa’s legs. He moans louder the more aggressively aku rides his face, hips thrusting to seek more and more pleasure that atsushi knows only he can provide his lover. Nothing feels better than peaking up through tear blurred eyes and seeing Aku’s precious, flushed face get redder as his eyes start to roll back, his hips twitching more and more and until he’s cumming all over Atsushi’s face, the tongue lapping at his sex forcing every bit of cum out of him for his own content

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