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Anonymous Coward · 12mo

Do u have any human/non furry ocs?

YEAH I DO, one time me and my buddy spent about 2.5 yrs writing this extremely long romance intrigue historical fiction and i made my 1 guy for this story and then it kind of just organically grew from there to an entire cast of characters to fill in the story, i think i personally made about 20 chars for this story [mostly side chars and family members of my couple main chars and also a villain char to make plot happen]
heres a bunch of sketches i did for that story [i was like doodling little illustrations for it and inserting them into the google doc as we went]
heres a bunch of sketches, mostly of my main guy Vivian [big guy with dark hair]
dudes got that fucked up backstory and also is like amelia bedelia, guy will misunderstand the most basic shit. he has a large black horse named little fella that his bf bought for him.
u will also notice a small woman with dark hair, she's my other romantic lead in the story. extremely uptight lesbian noblewoman married to my villain who i havent drawn bc he fucking sucks lol. her name is Ottilie
OC drawings for that story: [Vivian AU nonsense, suit pic is from a funny little slice of life au where they live in california and vivian never killed any assassins in self defense. the cowboy pic is purely aesthetic, there isnt any story abt him doing that]
in his original text vivian gets back to england on a barge [after almost being assassinated for some rly complicated reasons which boil down to he was fucking this young nobleman and the guys dad found out and it was 1870] and then wanders around the countryside breaking into barns and shit until he coincidentally breaks into the house of Elliot, his chronically ill former school friend who takes him in. and they fall in love and go around trying to accomplish goals while the villain who is married to the cousin of that dude he was fucking back in belgium just like doesnt like him and is trying to ruin both their lives on account of being a shithead [he eventually sends his wife ottilie to the elliot's family estate to snoop around but she becomes a double agent on account of elliots sister's huge boobs]

that like barely even scratches the surface of this fucking story tho lmao, like its genuinely got more pages than war and peace [this is not hyperbole, we counted the pages] and theres still an unwritten third act which is planned but me and my buddy are both extremely busy these days.

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