Adminnya DX
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Curiosity kills the pussycat
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Nairaa · 4 answers · 8d

Hai hai?? Apa kabar?

After a lot of considerations, I've decided to close @Nxhility permanently, it's for the best ^^

Maaf kalau selama ini ada kata-kata dari tweetku kurang berkenan ya, takut kelepasan WKWKWK

Thank you for the time, for your support & company, I will never forget them 🤍 until next time, take care.

I noticed that you deleted ur acc but I thought it was for a few days only. Turned out u deleted it forever, huh. Goodluck then. I hope you'll stay healthy and happy.

Angel Gojo · 3 answers · 14d

Kenapa satoru ganteng ?
Karna dia suami saya HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

DX's Prisoners · 18d

kak tambahin itu teasing nya, kak alt katanya kurang kasih sayang

butuh disayang sama kak azka

DX's Prisoners · 18d

kak aze, komplain!

I made a new private acc but couldn't find unseen's acc

DX's Prisoners · 19d

engga deh, makan aja wortelnya

biar sehat

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