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Gaz clit sucky sucky


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Gaz lovers · 3mo

ever thought about making a caard or a rentry?

Gaz lovers · 3mo

compared to the cod community on twitter, the one on tumblr seems better imo. Especially when there are less weirdos there.

It’s all terrible ngl 😭, tumblr has a lot of abusive ghost/konig fics, constantly leaving Gaz out of things and I’ve seen people literally turn him white there

Gaz lovers · 3mo

Gaz stan here: Just because someone blocks you on codtwt doesn't immediately equate to them being a problematic person. Just because you call out transphobes and pedophiles does not mean people aren't allowed to curate their space regarding you.
In my personal experience you're just extremely negative and not everyone wants to see that constantly. Grow up. Assuming people are proship freaks/transphobic losers because they don't want your tweets on their fyp is such weirdo energy.

The only times I’m negative are when I’m calling out pedophiles, racists, transphobes and in general bigotry. Maybe do some soul searching and stop being a freak

Gaz lovers · 8mo

Also König SUCKS oh my god. He is fucking useless to the story. A playable character just there to play with. Why would he have such a high fucking rank in the first place?? Why would he have a rank in the first place?? Why is he considered a COLONEL on top of that?? I'd not trust a bitch that has a shirt over his head over Krueger(He's my favourite white man.) König is literally just a guy and people decided to simp for the worst option. 1/2

Gaz lovers · 8mo

What if Gaz and Soap loved each other dearly and always try their best to express it? What if Gaz loved being spoiled by Soap? What if Gaz loved to spoil Soap as well, whenever he could? What if Gaz and Soap loved making jokes about anything, and playing along with the other person? What if they participate in banter that goes on to tease the other person? What if Soap felt more free spending time with Gaz as he felt like he did not need to mask himself around him? And what if-

Keep going anon I prefer soapgaz over ghoap ngl. Like soap and Gaz being there for each other, teasing each other a bit but knowing they’re fully in love like UGH YOURE SO RIGHT

Gaz lovers · 8mo

Sorry you have to hear this but gaz was with me last night like that’s my man

Mr. Boner Cash · 8mo

u being the #1 konig hater its actually like the funniest thing ever idk why tell us more roast him lol

I feel like I don’t even have to do much considering he’s canonically ugly 😭 + that shirt is def unwashed, nasty, rancid, smells like dried cum and sweat, he either bald or has really really greasy hair, like I want him GONE and DEAD

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