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Whimsical whirlwind of artsy chaos! Let’s stay respectful!


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Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

Do you do Collabs or art trades? Asking for science 👀

I’ve never tried it before but this sounds hella fun! I would totally be down for it!

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

Previous anon, but also wanted to say to block the problematic accounts I mentioned including kvnjaku because they also have an extremely weird tendency to stalk people and even their private accounts. It’s happened to a lot of stsg stans who called them out for their disgusting behaviour before.

Omg! That’s wild and mad invasive! Thank you for letting me know, you’re awesome ♥️♥️

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

Hey, a stsg here, but that nat person follows stsg authors and artists who portray geto as a woman just so gojo can abuse/SA. they follow people like Aamaly3, xo_romiiarts, cxscas__, spicybinch, etc. Idk if that eva person follows them but she associates with people who enjoy that kind of content. It’s better to block them. They are a nuisance in the stsg community too.

Hey lovely, I in fact did exactly that, but they’re sending people to harass me and it’s gotten so out of hand! They’re atrocious and cruel people, they’re tarnishing the fandom with filth!

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

and no, hets are not opressed and your straight ships aren't either. they are just bad, which is why they are not as liked as others

I bet you’re fun at parties 🤡 Pretty sure you’re more unliked tenfold than any ship my 700+ followers adores. 💅🏻 go back to your playground now kiddo xx

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

just admit that you misused the tags lol. no one who ships satosugu and/or shokohime is gonna like to see a gjhm and sugushoko drawing in THEIR tags

Just admit you clearly didn’t search far enough to know it’s part of a series so the tags are in fact accurate. Also, get a life? The world doesn’t stop because of a measly tag but you sure sound pained, take some meds!

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

Plans to update your fics again anytime soon? I read the two chapters of casualties of speed dating and noticed you’re updating your other fic, which is also so good but I was hoping you will soon post for the other too.

I know, I’m sorry it’s been so long but I don’t have time or the energy! I even have an illustration to post with ch3 of Casualties, I just need to get my ish together! 🥲♥️

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

WHEN WILL CHAPTER 4 OF UNGODLY HOUR COME OUT??????? It’s been like 4 years T^T

Oh god, I’m so sorry, that fic left my mind years ago! 💀😭 I don’t even remember the plot for it ahhh! That was another era, but it would very nostalgic to revisit it. I will definitely think about it ♥️

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

Megumi’s is gay for yuji and gojo is gay for geto why can’t you idiots get that? Stop trying to make them straight. Nobara is a lesbian and you’re forcing her into a straight character, how about some representation you homophobe

Badass cupcake~ · 3mo

I discovered your arts literally minutes ago, but I already really liked it ❤️ Can I interact with your posts, even the oldest ones? If you think it's weird, I understand

Of course you can, my lovely, thank you so much!! My page only just started to grow, so the old stuff is left in the dust and barely had any traction! I’m always so utterly grateful for any appreciation shown to my art- it’s very precious to me! 🥰🥰🥰

Badass cupcake~ · 4mo
Badass cupcake~ · 4mo

Just wanted to say that I love your writing and art so much! You’re so talented, keep pushing 🩷

Badass cupcake~ · 4mo

Will you ever draw for a fandom other thank jjk? FT hint hint

Badass cupcake~ · 4mo

When will you update casualties and sinful again?

When inspo strikes! I’ve been slacking hard when it comes to Casualties, but I also have a fic I’ve been mentally planning that involves Gouta/Fskg/Sugushoko. I hope I can find the drive to post both at some point!

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