Callie · 7 answers · 1mo

most of you guys are assholes… i’m probably not coming back either.. don’t bother following me i’m not going to follow back. if you have my discord feel free to contact me. if you don’t have it, don’t go looking.

awh mann ‎😓. nonetheless, i hope that if you do come back, you don't encounter these ppl (or, see them i guess). i'll still be here if you choose to and wanna talk :3 as well as i'm always up to talk on disc too, if you'd like!!

i'll see you around, then, callie!! >_<

Oh damn, It was wonderful to meet you Callie. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your life or however long you're gone, I'll miss you <3

waittt callie can i have your discord,,, or actually can u add me i cant use discord rn,,, :(((

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