Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Mysterious Voice · 8mo

How do you plan to protect artists' work from being scraped by AI datasets or used for NFTs? If the zine is uploaded publicly, do you plan on glazing people's works to prevent theft?

Also, is it recommended for artists to provide a low-resolution copy for - if - there is a public version of the zine online?

  1. It will be up to what the page artists wants to do, we will have a discussion with them.
    If they want Glaze V2 on the zine artwork, our Host (Vallien Fulki) can Glaze for them if they don't have the hardware to run the program.

  2. Once again this will be a topic up for discussion with the page artists. We want them to get to have a say on things that involves their artwork.
    For sharing their part on socials, we'll likely do previews.

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