Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Oh hell nah, cutey. I don't understand what do you mean about "resend the message" tapi kita belum pernah interaksi sama sekali sebelumnya. Saya cuma sering memperhatikan kamu saja, pun cuma berani menyapa disini. Barangkali kamu punya tawaran relasi? Penulis saya sedang Hiatus setelah karakternya selesai. Sorry if I'm rambling a bit, it just feels nice to meet dan punya kesempatan untuk ngobrol sama kamu. Anyway, i'll be here every Friday. —Will

Oh it's me who get it wrong, I thought that you sent me a message and I skipped it due to some reasons (( Aduh kirain meng yang gak balasin )).

Tawaran relasi? Tentu meng punya beberapa, tapi uhm tidak mungkin kalau kita bahas disini bukan?

No need to say sorry dearest, meng senang kalau misalnya ada teman ngobrol. You can always have a conversations with me, just sent me a message through direct message (( Kalau gak mau juga gak masalah kok!)).

Every Friday? Sure. You may! Nice to meet you, Will! Please don't forget to take care of yourself and jangan lupa makan siang yaaa ✨🫶🏻.

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