Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 9mo

what is the horniest thing you ever did?

Weeeeeeeeeeell as I've said before I DO play w boys from time 2 time see..... One night I was drinking with my local pals and I got hit with the drunk horny beam and one of my friends is this suuuuper subby cis gay fox (so surprising, right?) the details are a little fuzzy but we started flirtin' as you do with friends and the other ppl we were partying with wanted to like walk somewhere? and me and him were like miss me with that shit the booze is RIGHT HERE THO?????? so everyone leaves and its just me, fox, and his husband, wolf. In someone else's apartment. I reveal my hand that yeah I am being a drunk flirt but also like hey we could have fun together and got the go ahead from both wolf and fox and long story short I've got fox bent over the back of the couch with his pants and underwear down when my other fucking friends show back up................ cock blocked!!!!!!!!! oh well it wouldn't be a furry party if silly shit didn't happen Xbbbbbbb

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