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Someone. · 12d

If you were a ghost, how would you haunt people?

Well, as someone who's afraid of ghosts, I would not haunt people because I wouldn't want ghosts to haunt me. I'm a coward, really.

Someone. · 13d

Ah gitu ya, kirain beneran ada tadinya.

Someone. · 14d

Lagi naksir yang mana, Dric?

Someone. · 27d

Sudah ada yang mengisi hati ya, Cedric? Have to admit dulu aku selalu mikir apa bisa berani untuk mengetuk pintu rumah kamu, tapi kayanya sekarang sudah terlambat? :-)

Halo, sender. Pasti butuh keberanian besar untuk kamu bisa mengirim pesan ini ya. Terima kasih, sender, karena sudah berani dan jujur, saya sangat apresiasi itu. Namun, saya memohon maaf karena sepertinya saya belum bisa dengan pasti menjawab pertanyaanmu. One thing is for sure, I have my eyes on someone at the moment. It's still a crush, so the next step is still unknown, it depends on them. That's why, semoga kamu bisa mengerti dan paham ya. 🙏🏻 Jangan lupa untuk selalu bahagia, sender. 🙂

Someone. · 1mo

I'm genuinely happy seeing you getting all the love and adoration that you deserve. It's yours to take and of course, you deserve it.

Someone. · 1mo

You're the kind of person that could make a blind person believe in love at first sight.

Hello there. I don't know what to say, but that is such a beautiful thing to say, and I truly appreciate it. I don't even know if I deserve such a lovely compliment, but it really means a lot to me. The fact that you see me that way is incredibly touching, and I’m honestly a little speechless. Thank you for your kind words, they just made my day so much brighter. I might actually cry after this (sorry, am an F).

Someone. · 1mo

Bused, sedih banget gak dikenalin. Habis ini mau keliling Pantura aja, cari modal buat beli Golda coffee terus ngelamun di depan Indoagustus.

Sekarang udah ngenalin kok. You're making it too obvious. Sorry kalau aku terlalu smart. 😏🙏🏻

Someone. · 1mo

Selain udah cakep, hari ini udah naksir aku belum?

Someone. · 1mo

i have crush on you, kalau aku tiba-tiba dm kaka bagaimana?

Sebentar, kaget. Anyway, halo. Terima kasih ya karena sudah berani bilang ke aku, I truly appreciate that. And to answer your question, boleh dong, silakan kalau mau DM.

Someone. · 1mo
Someone. · 1mo
Someone. · 1mo
Someone. · 1mo

Oh and a little clarification too, I will show up kok cuma masih ngumpulin niat sama keberanian dulu aja ahahaha. Still debating how should I open the conversation too.

Oh, I misunderstood then. I apologize, I thought you might not show up. I'll wait for you in my DMs, sender. Please take your time.

Someone. · 1mo
Someone. · 1mo

Well, hello, Cedric. I genuinely never thought a simple question or impression about you would render a lot of curiousity. It's rather overwhelming (not in a bad way) but funnily enough, it warms my heart and made my day even better by reading those comments. And probably, if probably, I have the courage to let you know some of my unsaid thought I hope it's not too scary for you. Have a good evening, Ced, do know that everyone adores you!

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