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Celestial Night : Sailor Moon Zine

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Hello Sailor Scout? What’s your question?💗


Sailor Scout · 1y

Hello! Since this is a digital zine, I'm not sure if I should use single page or double page sizes for the cover.

Sailor Scout · 1y

Can I start my piece before pitches are approved?

Hello! We ask that everyone please hold off on starting their pieces until the mod team is able to review pitches and approve them! Thank you so much for your patience!

Sailor Scout · 1y

I seem to be locked out of all the threads for the discord, basically everything in the Lobby and Artists thread sections. ( I was accepted and filled out the form already~). May I ask to have access to these? Thank you in advance for the help!

Hello! We have an “agreed to rules” role in server that you have to grab to be able to view all channels💗

Sailor Scout · 2y

i feel silly - i filled out the contributor spotlight form but i can't find a link to the discord. did i overlook it somewhere or will there be an invite?

Hello! You should have received a receipt in your email after filling out the form! If you did not receive that, you can reach out to us and we can send you an invite!

Sailor Scout · 2y

Will there be templates for page sizes provided?

Sailor Scout · 2y

What timezone will things be in for the Zine?

Hello! Our mod team uses a few different time zones. The Head Mod used CST, so most things will be posted using CST.
We do have mods using EST, GMT +8, and PST though!

Sailor Scout · 2y

When can I share my finished work on social media?

Hello! We ask that everyone wait until the Zine is released to share anything related to the Zine/their artwork or writing!

Sailor Scout · 2y

How will you choose who is accepted?

Hi! We will not be basing our choices off of following/popularity, but strictly on the skill level of the applicant! (Through viewing their portfolios and samples they submitted in their application!)

We will also be deciding based on how well we feel the applicants style will fit the theme of our Zine!💗

Sailor Scout · 2y

Will you email applicants regardless of acceptance or not? Just wondering!

Hello! Great question! We will be sending emails out to everyone regardless of whether they are accepted or rejected! You will receive an email from our official email!

Sailor Scout · 2y

What is a pitch?

Hello! A pitch is just an idea or concept of what you’d like to create for the Zine! We will have a process once everyone (who’s been accepted) joins the server where we gather pitches and mods go through them! This helps us gather a wider variety of concepts for the pages of the Zine!

Sailor Scout · 2y

Hi, I saw your answers down below that you do not accept traditional art? so even though a scanned traditional art is not viable for applying? can you please elaborate? cause I'm a traditional artist and I have just applied.

Hello! That is correct, we are only accepting digital work for this Zine. You can use scanned traditional art to apply but the finished piece must be digital as to keep all art of a similar type throughout the entire Zine! Sorry for the confusion!

Sailor Scout · 2y

Just to confirm, we'd have until September to finish if accepted?

Hello! Yes, our final deadline is in September, but there is check-in processes along the way to ensure that artwork will be completed on time! These occur once a month leading up to September and require a certain amount of progress on artwork/writing!✨

Sailor Scout · 2y

if it's a free, digital zine, why stop at 30-40 artists when 100 have applied? would you consider adding more because of the interest demand?

Hello! We all collectively decided on the amount as a team to help ensure that the work balance/work load for all the mods was doable!
It takes a lot of work for the formatting mods to format 20-30 artist slots (single page, spread, comic, and spot art) and the writer pages as well. We also wanted to help ensure that the checkin mods didn’t feel overwhelmed as well, because a larger number would be harder to handle! Thank you for your great question!✨💗

Sailor Scout · 2y

Are there any mods that are minors?

Hi! Yes, one of the mods working with writers is a minor. We understand that this might be a concern for some applicants, but the mod in question is committed to seeing this project through and has worked on successful projects in the past. If you are accepted as writer and you would prefer to work with another mod (18+), you can reach out via DMs and we will do our best to accommodate that!

Sailor Scout · 2y

Can I apply for both artist and writer positions? I do both!

Hello there Sailor Scout! You are more than welcome to apply for both, but you will only be chosen for one or the other!💗✨

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