Anonymous Coward · 2y

What’s one character you’ve never drawn that you keep meaning to? Why haven’t you found time for them yet? 🥰

AH so many... in every fandom i've been in I tend to fixate on only the main characters... its a bit of a curse... Speaking specifically of the mdzs fandom, I've always wanted to draw the juniors and also nmj but just. Haven't gotten to it. The juniors are so fun and varied in designs and personalities they're a bit daunting :')) and nmj is Such a powerful character and trying to get him right is SO HARD I give up every time. I will keep trying though 😤 Thank you for your question! It's a bit vaguely threatening sounding but that's ok! All the more reason to motivate myself to draw characters that aren't wwx or lwj hahaha

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