Anonymous Coward · 2y

Passing by to say I love your art. I love the way you play with color and light, it's so vibrant and organic and even in your manhua panel redraws you have such a signature style that I could tell without seeing your name that the piece was made by you. I really like the organic and realistic bodies you give to wangxian, the pieces are artistically very well done and interesting in style but also very grounded and full of life.

HEY HELLO ANON??? HI I'M GONNA TEAR UP THIS IS SO NICE????hooohhhhh I'm very soft and this means very much to hear. I know my style jumps around a lot because I like to experiment and just do whatever so to hear that my stuff is recognizable really hits hard! And it makes me unbelievably happy to see support for the bodies I draw too like-- I know there's a specific body type+characteristics that is "expected" for these characters to have but. Idk I just like to draw what resonates with me, and I'm glad it resonates with others too! Thank you very much for taking the time to come and say this. It kinda made my day 😭 I hope you're having a good one too, anon 💙

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