Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Curious Chocobo · 6mo

19 and 20 :p

(19) Tracking complicated narratives? - Damn, that's actually a good question..... Uh, I don't very well, haha. I will say in Google Docs, i take advantage of using clickable headings. Also, tbh, I tend to write out of order and then my initial edit is just making sure stuff is in some kind of order/someone doesn't say something they wouldn't know yet.... the exception being in my CoffeeOrTea fic, where I said Zack was moaning while he was supposed to have a gag in his mouth. Oops.

(20) Long sessions or spurts? - 90% of the time, I will say spurts. That 10% of the time is when I wrote my trans!Cloud one-shot (which I will someday write more of) where I gave myself 24 hours to do it, so I wrote for like.... 6 hours straight lmao.

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