A. · 7 answers · 29d

Guys! Suggest me something to watch, please? Any genre is fine but preferably the horror one! :]

Have you watched autopsy of Jane Doe kayel? Or if you want indonesia, I suggest you to watch pintu terlarang

Have you watched The Wailing (2016)? Or The Call (2020), Sleep (2023), The Night House (2020). I have watched a lot of horror movies, tapi ujung-ujungnya pasti lupa judul.

While I’m not a big fan of horror movies in general, I was once “encouraged” [definitely against my will] to watch Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining.” The film’s unsettling atmosphere was certainly difficult to shake, yet I found myself captivated by its brilliant cinematography, haunting soundtrack, and intricately crafted story.

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