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Chief, is it true that one of the requirements to become a police officer is to pass the thickness, length 🍆, and booty 🍑 exam? 🐾🐾🐾
Question for Chazz and Recht
How they reacted after his father lent them Heinrich as his new brother and how they treated him at the beginning and after
Chief, according to you, who is the cutest of your three children?
Chief, who do you think has the most stamina in bed?
Chief... is there any advice you could give to a rookie aspiring to become a police officer?
How do you think Takeinu would react if Jack dared to stick his cock in his ass?
Can one of you or you sons or men in the police get pregnant? Just asking for research 👉👈
How many times have you bottom, chief?
Do any of your children have a boyfriend or are they married?
Of your 3 children, who could be your favorite?
What happened to Chazz's mother and Retch died? They separated or is she still alive or both are adopted as Heinrich?
Is there anyone on your team from another country, or have you had a colleague from abroad?
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