Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 6mo

Why would you reply to me nicely and then act really strange in the comment section of that retro on twitter? I really did not mean any harm or anything of that sort. I'm sorry if my tone came off as rude but as someone who's been reading your works for a while, I only just wanted to know out of curiosity. I don't want you to write against your will or feel like readers are demanding for works. That was never my intention. The fact that you would do that with your moots and say that I was being offensive when I really wasn't is a little hurtful. You should have not replied if you felt offended. I apologise for my earlier retro. Take care ❤️

If you read through the comments then you would have seen the one where I said I'm sure you meant well but the delivery left a lot to be desired. You would have also seen the part where I said I brushed it off and didn't take it to heart. If I thought you genuinely had bad intentions, I wouldn't have been so nice with my reply. But, that doesn’t change the fact that it did come across rude--even if it wasn't your intention. Wording is everything. Even I'm guilty of choosing my words poorly sometimes, so don't let that get you down. I'm glad you sent another message to clear the air, and I'm sorry as well if I caused you to feel hurt in return. 💜

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