Private eyes · 1mo

I feel the need to say this here due to recent events. Just because the community is upset with Kirby is not a sudden pass to side with his rapist. There's being upset at someone, and then there's being an almost worse monster from it because we can't handle our emotions.

Rickorty booted out Liebe and anyone who defends him. If you are someone in Rickorty who is perfectly okay with Liebe or defending what he did, then you're not welcome in this community. I'm sickened I woke up to seeing evidence Doc defends that shitstain. And yes, when you're friends with someone who knowingly defends a rapist you're just as guilty. You're fully aware of the damage they're doing and you're just as guilty for enabling that behavior.

Liebe has multiple victims. Not just Kirby. This is a spit in the face to other Rickorty victims of Liebe that the community is aware about.

Thank you for your time.

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