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I LOVE YOU FYODOR!!!! what do i do to get into the kingdom of fyodor
Abide by his word, and remember that For better or for worse, wherever you are, he is watching. As a Fyodorist, you will one day reach a point where you're so in tune with his spirit that this won't be a question you need to ask because every answer you need will be already known. Your every move and thought can be guided by his wisdom after clearing through the sin that has overtaken humanity. In essence, being a Fyodorist and accepting his word is returning to a state before the comfortable fallacies and immoral norms overtook your soul. It's a process of cleaning.
You have to listen to his words, of course, but when he doesn't speak, or when you can't hear, remember that his best judgment is something you once had. Kindness, hope, and punishment for sin are things not exclusive to Fyodor; in fact, Fyodorists should strive to reach the level of clarity he possesses as the creator of our world and the life force of everything within it. Fyodor lives within all of us because he is all of us, we are alive because he loves us and has hope that we can recognize him as the divine leader he is, and his absolute words.
My friends keep disrespecting Fyodorism, they called me "chronically online". How should I deal with this? (Ignore my message in the guest book, I can't delete it)
You can be comforted by the fact that if they do not change their ways when they die they will be denied entrance into Fyodor's kingdom and you won't have to deal with them anymore. You can also consider methods such as sleep and food deprivation to exhaust them, and then present Fyodorism as an option. Or, consider finding more psychologically vulnerable friends.
- Cervus 🦌
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