Max's Curious Souls · 9mo

hey kak max! {🫵🏻} how’s your week? anyway, i hope u don’t mind if i’m sharing something with you. honestly.. i’ve intrigued by you from afar, as you consistently appear on my timeline {ngl, u look so cool} you truly catch my attention. BUT KAKAK u don’t need to dwell on it too much {🙅🏻‍♀️} because im just acknowledgeding my feelings. i’ll just admire you from afar &&&& if u don’t mind, can we be friends? HEHEHEH sowwy for asking too much kakak have a great weekend!! 😼🌟

hey, sender. good morning, sorry for replying now, since i alr sleep last night. my week has been hard, i often sleep until late, cause of my task. hbu? i hope ur just fine. i don't mind it, thanks for being honest with me. i know it's not easy to say this to me (?) sure, we can be friends, just hit me up. have a great weekend for u too, sender.

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