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Anonymous Coward · 1mo
Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I have a friend who's new to doing vore RPs, and they (self admittedly) aren't that good with doing good teasing and stuff, could you throw some big tips and pointers my way to pass onto them? figured it was only right to ask the best

They should focus on what they enjoy about the kink and channel it. I find that it just comes out naturally if you're into it, it's like having a good conversation where you don't have to force things to say, it just comes up as a natural consequence of your curiosity and engagement with it.

I imagining you're wanting something a little more concrete. Spelling and grammar go a long way. Sometimes people go overboard with it too. If you find a good balance between creative teasing and not being over the top then it usually works out pretty well.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hey Clint!

What do you do when a prey you want is being teased by another pred ?!

Nothing. I think if someone is having fun with someone else, you should let those people have fun. :)

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Have you ever eaten a Alicorn? Or Wanted to?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

You're the best pred I've ever seen. I love reading your posts on twitter.
Every time I read one of them I just feel so small and helpless and I imagine how it would feel like to be your prey.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Hmm, it's complicated. We aren't in a relationship but our dynamic has extended beyond the isolated event of the perma. I am exerting a lot of influence and control over him and that's what he wants. He's ultimately free to do what he wants, and what he wants is to be mine. In terms of him interacting with people with a different character, he is.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Say I actually wanted to come say hi, but didn't want to objectify you or use you for a wank. I have no way I can see how to do that. How would I try and reach out to a neato guy?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Thoughts on going for a "feast" with another pred and having post dinner snuggles afterwards?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I have a curious thought what did Buddy get replaced with for the person who owned him, and if at all possible could I speak with the people involved in it I have a genuine question for how it felt from both perspectives on this cause it's always been a curiouosity of what and why people do it

He's using another character. We're still discussing some things in terms of his engagement with the fandom. There's so much to talk about.

And sure. My DMs are open.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

You ever consider being prey in a perma?

Shiro · 1mo

Favorite species you like having as uh... meals?

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

I'm curious in case i ever get to act on such things in the future, what tips would you have for a pred when doing their first perma if given the chance?

Get ready for people to hate you, block you, get jealous, try to encroach on your fun, try to take your prey. And let your prey know that it's likely people will get jealous and resent them too. And it'll come from people you barely know.

In terms of the play itself, keep a safeword and be willing to give them their character back. It should be fun and hot.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

Sounds to me like you're doing good job at it already. :3

It's just a case of knowing what you enjoy about the role and getting into the headspace. For me it feels more like letting go rather than doing anything specific. It pours out of me.

Anonymous Coward · 1mo

What got you into vore in the first place? And I suppose more specifically into being a pred?

Feels like one of those things I've been into since I was really young... except I was really not into it. Which leads into what got me into being a pred. As soon as I started to consider all the things I saw in media I found disturbing from the perspective of the pred instead of the helpless observer watching someone getting eaten it was... really hot. Everything I found disturbing like someone's value being reduced to food, them being helpless, the pred being some powerful entity, some kind of smug asshole. That was all really hot to imagine becoming.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

How many people have you turned into wolf fat?

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