Secret · 11mo

I’ve always wondered what the process is for recording and receiving voice lines for the VAs is like. Do all VAs read and record the whole script in one voice call with the intent of completing in one go perhaps with the occasional blooper? Or do all VAs record voice lines in private and just send them to you to edit? Do VAs get to hear the sfx that will be used before recording and act accordingly? Have any of the VAs you’ve worked with found acting out a script difficult (ei. acting abilities, comfortability)? Do you get many bloopers? (sorry for so many questions in one ask. Even if you answer them all or only a few, i will be thankful nonetheless!)

  1. Idk. Different VAs record differently. Some might do it in one take, others in parts.
  2. No VAs do not hear the sfc before recording.
  3. Don't know.
  4. Not as many as I would like.

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